Understanding Semantic Analysis NLP
It is the first part of semantic analysis, in which we study the meaning of individual words. It involves words, sub-words, affixes (sub-units), compound words, and phrases also. P
All You Need to Know about Computer Vision and How It Works
Currently, online lessons are common, and in these circumstances, teachers can find it difficult to track students’ reactions through their webcams. Neural networks help identify
7 Real-life Chatbot Use Cases in Different Industries!
You’ll see these chatbots, not on a website but on social media or messaging channels like Facebook, WhatsApp, or even Telegram. Businesses who wish to monitor incoming customer
Botco ai & VerifyTreatment release an Out-of-the-Box Chatbot
Although efforts have been made to address these concerns, current guidelines and policies are still far behind the rapid technological advances [94]. The COVID pandemic accelerate
The opportunities and challenges of AI in higher education
Chatbots give your business a 24/7 channel to handle onboarding, support, and more (since they don’t need to sleep or eat), and give your customers (or potential customers) the i
Elements of Semantic Analysis in NLP
The most prominent example of using sentiment analysis in customer support can be seen in big tech companies. As the result, sentiment analysis gives an additional perspective on v