CaH4e3’s Dumps
In my links page, I have some good links to sites where you can download ROMs. If you want to try to find more sites than what’s in my collection of links, just Google around
How to Play GameBoy Advance Games on Linux Using Emulators and BIOS
If you find a small enough phone which has USB OTG capabilities, it’s your best choice. This project would have been a lot easier had I been able to use a USB keyboard for th
nintendo What did the Supercard «patch» program actually do to GBA and NDS ROMs to make them playable?
The story may sound typical, but it is remixed with brilliant twists, turns, and events. The game features the Tunod and Johto region, where all the Pokemons are available in the w
Top 11 BEST Completed Pokemon GBA ROM Hacks 2023 in 2022 Pokemon, Gba, Pokemon emerald
If you don’t want to buy one, you can always play the games on a GBA emulator for PC. Listed below is an array of the best available emulators for Gameboy Advance suitable fo
scizz darkfire: GBA ROM hack of Pokémon Emerald, built with the pokeemerald decompilation project and other feature branches
Samus’ journey is retold with brand-new cutscenes, while enhanced aesthetics greatly improve what was already a very atmospheric adventure. Best of all is that even when you get
Pokémon SORS GBA ROM Hack: Features and Installation Guide
At just £49.99 in the UK, the Evercade is priced nicely and the average cartridge comes with 10 – 20 games. To some this may feel annoying, but for us it adds to the nostalgic f
Steam Community :: Guide :: How to Import patched ROM’s
It comes with a long-lasting lithium-ion battery installed in it and is compatible with other software and devices. However, this was not enough for many, which is why the best ROM
5 Best Game Boy Advance GBA Emulators for Android in 2022
Cartridge games and other things require memory to store them. A bus for the video RAM and a bus where the external work RAM as well as the cartridge are connected. I also cut the